A quick update,,
>> Saturday, October 3, 2009
Kenapa saya kasih judul quick update??
Karena saya nulis post ini lewat hape dan ini sudah jam 03.07,,
honestly,saya tadinya mau ngepost tentang apa saja kegiatan saya kemarin,,
tapi,karna terlalu banyak dan saya capek ngetik pake hape,saya mutusin untuk ngejelasin,why i choose whenthesunsetfalls as my blog name,,
gw suka malam hari,,
the time after the sunset falls is the best time for thinking,,
the best time for take a rest from a fu***in busy world,,
when the sunset falls,*i consider it as night*,it's the best time for me to be my self,,
no more pretending,,
well,actually that's not the only reason why choose the name,,
tapi jempol gw udah mulai pegel nii,,
(resiko klo ngepost pake hape)
well,that's for today,,
see ya in another post!!
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